Tobacco Use Could Cause Complications After Oral Surgery

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Dental implant restorations, tooth extractions, and gum surgery all involve work on your gums. After oral surgery, Dr. Noruzi will likely provide you with prescriptions for pain or inflammation. We may also prescribe antibiotics if he is concerned about infection.

The recovery process may call for some basic aftercare measures to maintain your comfort and prevent complications such as infection. Our dentist will provide you with specific aftercare instructions related to your oral surgery. At the same time, it’s also important to keep in mind that certain lifestyle choices and habits can cause complications as your gum heal.

The heat, tar, and other chemicals that are introduced into your mouth by tobacco smoking and vaping could potentially cause significant irritation to your oral tissues. This can increase recovery time and potentially lead to a dangerous infection. At the same time, the suction from smoking and vaping can traumatize an incision site, or loosen or rupture a blood clot. If you are a tobacco user and you have an upcoming oral surgery, you might want to talk to your primary physician about tobacco cessation treatment options.

If you have an oral surgery scheduled at Fox River Periodontics, PC in Geneva, Illinois, and you have an aftercare question, you can always call 630-232-7400 to speak to a member of staff.